Our journey started when our children attended one of the most incredible public schools in the country. Housed in a building that was well-worn and filled with creative thinkers, it was visually what it was metaphorically: a diamond in the rough.

As a result of our relocation we learned that not all schools are equal, experiencing first-hand how broken the traditional model is: classrooms where behavior management, passive learning, and a “one-size-fits-all” curriculum are suppressing exuberant, creative thinkers.

As our previously engaged and happy students waned into frustration and apathy, I became intent on finding a community that values a whole-child philosophy, where standards are high and child participation is not only important, it is paramount.

In seeking a model that would provide the best education for our family I discovered the concept of smaller, innovative schools – often called “micro-schools” – and became inspired to create our own: The Wilder School. Utilizing a Montessori inspired learning model that empowers learners to work independently and self-paced on core skills (reading, writing, math) and then implement these skills in hands-on, collaborative projects, not only are they reinforcing important academic concepts, students simultaneously develop crucial interpersonal skills – the combination of which will provide them with a foundation for a lifetime of success.

We believe we are building the community in Winchester, Massachusetts which will enable our children, all children, to thrive and are looking for others to join us in this journey.


Think we may be a good fit for your family?