Education Reimagined

Get to know our independent school community through diving into these videos and books by experts and thought leaders ushering in a new wave in education.

If these concepts resonate with you, connect with us to be a part of the dialogue.

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Read About TWS in Forbes

The end of average.

The case for whole-child, learner-driven education.

What Inspires Us

These videos inspire us and guide our self-paced, learner-driven learning model.
If these inspire you, too, connect with us.


Do you have
Courage to Grow?


If you haven’t already, order a copy of Courage to Grow - a fast-paced tale of what young people can accomplish when armed with the right inspiration, questions, and tools. Like all good tales, there is a surprise ending, a final bit of magic about parenting, and a narrative story you won't want to miss.


Articles and Blogs